Crowd Funding

Learning Experiences to Bucharest with Rokus Loopik en Harry Gras

door rokus

Dear Facebook Friends and Linkedin Contacts!

In January 2012 Harry Gras, my friend and fellow nurse and I started to organize study experiences to Bucharest. Harry has been traveling to this city for eight years. He has brought means and money to SamuSocial, a not for profit agency, that provides services for homeless individuals in this overwhelming city. After arriving in Bucharest in January, I was quiet for about three days, because I could not cope with the poverty and misery I was confronted with, while traveling through this wonderful and amazing city. People with less money share more and better, than people with a lot of money. I decided to make it a goal for the coming years to support my friends from SamuSocial, as Harry did, for many years. On December 9th we will travel to Bucharest again, this time with 8 professionals and peers. We want to leave money behind. Bucharest counts about 5000 homeless individuals. SamuSocial tries to serve these people with a very small amount of workers. In May 2012 their budget was halved because of the fact that many of these 5000 people do not have proper identification. In fact they do not exist. SamuSocial knows that these people are real. They deal with them every day, 24 hours. Harry and I do not earn money on these expeditions. We have ethical boundaries. But we want to leave money behind, for SamuSocial, 5000 homeless individuals and all the amazing programs that serve these people. We have no boundaries or ethical dilemma’s in asking for your money! Through this humble way, we want to ask you to donate 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 euro. Talking about Linkedin, I have about 1500 connections, that means, thinking about the most positive outcome, €7500. On Facebook, I have about 400 Friends. Talking about Facebook, that means, thinking about the most positive outcome, €2000. We would be honored to bring this money to Bucharest and all these homeless individuals. Harry and I will memorize you in our will and we will provide you with facts and figures on how this money is going to be spent, as well as a lively report on our next Learning Experience. Prove the world that ‘rich’ people know what sharing is and transfer some money to de Mot. It is my Story Telling Foundation, that supports people in need with Advice and Action.


ABN AMRO 48 55 32 689 J.R. Loopik/Stichting de Mot, inzake Boekarest, 12, 2012


crowd funding December 9th 2012

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