Agenda Learning Experiences

Agenda 2024

  1. April 20th till April 28th. A Learning Experience to New York, Philadelhia and Poughkeepsie. My last trip with a group to America. Not that I don’t want to go, but I will have two knee replacements in the coming two winters.
  2. In the summer (April 1st/November 1st) I will be in the South of France, running a totally different business
  3. October 20th till November 2nd. A Learning Experience to Stavanger, Bergen, Oslo and Tromso with two different groups of Nurse Specialists from the Netherlands.

Agenda 2023

  1. January 2023. A Learning Experience to Bucharest with Harry.
  2. April 2023 (14th till 23rd). A new Learning Experience to New York. Registration is closed. This is a private Salvation Army Group. Robin IJzerman, a singer-song-writer from Leeuwarden will join us on this trip.
  3. September 2023. A new Learning Experience to London. Registration is closed. This is a private Salvation Army Group.
  4. January 2023. A new Learning Experience to Norway. Registration is closed. This is a private Salvation Army Group.
  5. November 2023. A new Learning Experience (Road Trip) to Boston, Worchester, Brattleborough, Poughkeepsie, Woodstock and New York with Rokus and Harry.

Agenda 2021

  1. September 2021 (18th till 25th). A new Learning Experience to New York. Registration is Open. This is NOT a private group, anybody can join! Youri Lentjes, singer-song-writer will join us on this trip. (deze reis is uitgesteld naar maart 2022!)
  2. October 2021 (10th till 13th). The 5th RACT (Resource Assertive Community Treatment) Experience to Goteborg, Sweden. Registration is Closed. Robin IJzerman will join this Learning Experience.
  3. Amsterdam-Santiago de Compostela-Vézelay (June 1st till July 12th) Op 1 juni stap ik op mijn elektrische-speed-bike-met-aanhangwagen voor een Anti-Stigma-Inclusie-Pelgrimage naar Santiago de Compostela en terug naar Vézelay. Die prachtige kathedraal in de Bourgogne is mijn eindpunt. Onderweg maak tussenstops bij mensen/projecten/instellingen/ziekenhuizen/teams die het verschil maken. Voor interviews. Die komen dan weer als Podcasts from your Backyard op diverse kanalen te staan. Er zijn online video’s. Ik schrijf er een boek over. En je kunt elke pedaaltrap die ik maak volgen. Socialrun is mijn hoofdsponsor. Naar ik heb begrepen staan er in Vézelay een hoop mensen op mij te wachten. Ik kan niet wachten.
  4. Ondertussen volgen wij dagelijks het nieuws en hopen we dat we in 2021 weer iedereen kunnen huggen. Oeverloos.
  1. January 2020. A Learning Experience to Bucharest with Harry Gras. Registration is Closed! ?
  2. February 2020. A Learning Experience to Boston, Poughkeepsie and New York. 20 Peers, Family Members and Professionals from the south of The Netherlands, de Zeeuwse Gronden, will participate in this special Journey. Registration is not possible. This is a private group. ?
  3. March 15th 2020. COVID-19. All Learning Experiences are cancelled or postponed till at least November 2020, May 2021 and other dates.
  4. March/April (29th March till April 2nd 2020). The 5th RACT (Resource Assertive Community Treatment) Experience to Goteborg, Sweden. Registration is Open (there is a possibility for 9 more people). Robin IJzerman, singer-song-writer will join us on this experience. 
  5. May 2020 (9th till 15th). A new Learning Experience to New York. Registration is Closed! This is NOT a private group, anybody can join! Youri Lentjes, singer-song-writer will join us on this trip.
  6. June 2020. A Learning Experience for 2/3 days to Antwerpen and Gent. A large variety of alternative programs will be visited in these wonderful cities. Registration is Open.
  7. August 2020. A first and brand new Learning Experience to Uganda in close collaboration with James Bisheko from Uganda. Harry Gras has travelled to this country last year. It was a once in a life time experience. This experience will last for 8 days. It’s an experience in which working visits and wild life experiences are combined.
  8. September 5th till 10th 2020. A specially designed Learning Experience to Moldova for a Dutch FACT Team. This is a private group. 
  9. October nd till October 9th 2020. A new and special Learning Experience to Moldova. We will travel to this wonderful country by train, starting and ending in Amsterdam. This is a full Moldova Experience. Discover the country and people that live in this great country. Avoid the genuine travel destinations and surprise yourself by visiting Kishinev. This is a low budget experience. Coen Bardelmeijer, singer-song-writer will join us in this Experience. Registration is Open. 
  10. October 2020. A 4th Learning Experience to the city of London. This is a private group.
  11. October 2020. A 5 day Learning Experience to Moldova. This is a private group. Registration is not possible.
  12. December 2020. A third and exciting Learning Experience to 5 different cities in Norway (Tromso, Bergen, Stord, Stavanger, Oslo). Medication Free Wards, The Northern Lights, Whale watching, Housing First, Open Dialogue, The Living Museum Norway, are just a few of the events and programs we will be visiting. Due to the fact that we are visiting 5 different cities, this experience will last for at least 10 days. Registration is Open. 
  13. December 2020. A Learning Experience for 2/3 days to Antwerpen and Gent. A large variety of alternative programs will be visited in these wonderful cities. This Experience will take place in the days before Meet the Xperts VI! Registration is Open.
  14. December 2020. Meet the Xperts VI! Het is nog maar een plan. Maar Peter Dierinck, Harry Gras en ik zijn vast van plan dit plan te laten werken. Wij organiseren in de decembermaand de 6e editie van Meet the Xperts. In die mooie stad Gent in België. Toegang tot dat festival zal net als in Antwerpen voor een laag bedrag zijn. We hebben al een locatie op het oog en we gokken op een hoog deelnemers aantal. Het programma is baanbrekend. Een nieuwe GGZ in een zinderend festival! Youri, Robin, Coen zullen er in ieder geval vanuit Nederland voor mooie songs zorgen. We zoeken sponsoren voor deze editie. Wat zonder jullie is zo’n festival niet mogelijk!
  15. The LEAP New York Learning Experience. In 2020 Harry (system specialist) and I are organizing a special LEAP (Listen, Empathize, Acknowledge, Partner/dr. Xavier Amador) Learning Experience. This is an experience for Family Members of people with a vulnerability for psychosis. This experience includes a two day training by dr. Xavier Amador, Harry and Rokus Loopik. There will also be two additional days of working visits at innovative programs in New York City. This experience lasts for 7 days (two days of traveling, one day free time). Send an email for more information. A free copy of Xavier’s book (translated in Dutch) and an instruction video’s are included.


Learning Experience Bucharest en Moldavie: enorme aanrader!
Niet alleen de moeite waard door de bezochte initiatieven op het gebied van herstel in de psychiatrische en verslavingszorg. Maar zeker ook door de bijzondere groepssamenstelling die je als psychiater tijdens geen enkele andere nascholing zo zal tegenkomen: patiënten, ervaringsdeskundigen, woonbegeleiders, hulpverleners van verschillende disciplines, al dan niet met hun eigen herstelverhaal. Laat je de ervaring van de nachttrein van Bucharest naar Chisinau (Moldavie) niet ontnemen.
Ik kijk weer met frisse blik naar mijn werk. En vol nieuwe ideeen.


? These Learning Experiences have already taken place in former years. If you would like to reach out to participants and ask them if they had a great time, please let us know. We will connect you to them. It will not disappoint you.

  1. January 18th 2018. Visiting a ‘drug free ward’ in a psychiatrisch ziekenhuis in Tromsö, way up North in Norway. Hope to see the Northern Lights the day before! Voor een kort verslag van deze reis: FB
  2. All through the year. Traveling to Moldova about 7 times with the Trimbos Moldova. We are reforming Mental Health in this wonderful country. ?
  3. March 2nd till March 11th 2018, Richard Pulice will come to the Netherlands for a Learning Experience (LE). Thirteen students will be in his group. Rokus Loopik will organize working visits for the week. The group will be staying in Haarlem for the week and traveling all over the country. Registration is closed. This is a private group. ?
  4. April 11th till April 15th 2018. A Learning Experience for 30 people from Norway. In collaboration with Jorunn Fotland, Husbanken/Norway. Three days of working visits and leisure time in the Netherlands. Registration is closed. This is a private group. ?
  5. April 15th till April 20th 2018. A Learning Experience (LE) to London. In collaboration with Anke Janssen. This will be the 3rd LE to London. Registration is open. ?
  6. May 1st till May 9th. An APA Learning Experience to New York with workers from GGZ Breburg and the Salvation Army Amsterdam. Registration is open. Nog een paar plaatsen beschikbaar. ?
  7. June 10th till June 13th 2018. RACT (Resource Assertive Community Treatment) LE to Goteborg, Sweden. In collaboration with Frits Bovenberg/Resilience+. This is the 3rd RACT Learning Experience to Sweden. We will learn everything about RACT in these three days. Registration is open. Nog een paar plaatsen beschikbaar. ?
  8. June 17th till June 24th 2018. A Learning Experience in Boston, Burlington, Poughkeepsie and New York City. In collaboration with Harry Gras. We lost count on how many trips we made to the USA. More then 600 people have joined us. If you want to meet the Leaders of Peer Support Programs, Housing First, Respites, Community Centers, Peer Education Programs, Art Communities, join us. This is a classical Road Trip. We will fly to Boston and from there cover the USA by car, visiting the best of Peer Driven Programs on the East Coast of the USA. Registration is open. Nog een paar plaatsen beschikbaar. ?
  9. September 1st till September 8th 2018. The 1st Learning Experience to Moldova for Peers, Professionals and Policy Makers. Harry Gras and Rokus Loopik have been working for the Trimbos Institute in this country for more then a year. We are planning to create an NGO and open a Recovery Center in the village of Moscovei with donors from the USA, Norway and the Netherlands. This trip will take us to Bucharest. From there we will travel by night train to Chisinau, the capitol city of Moldova. We will visit various programs and community health centers in this city. From that moment our LE will transform into a True Road Trip. We will travel to the city of Cahul by car. There we will visit a community health center. Next on the program is our Recovery Center in the village of Moscovei, on the grounds of a former Psychiatric Hospital. We will stay there for a couple of days in the Recovery Center. From there we will cross the border with Romania and drive back to Bucharest. It’s adventure, it’s a thrill, this 1st LE to Moldova. Registration is open. For people who want to learn how to organize a Learning Experience from A to Z, this is the trip to join! Join us for a country you have never imagined to visit. Registration is open. Nog een paar plaatsen beschikbaar. ?
  10. October 2018 (27th October/November 3rd). A Learning Experience to New York with a group of entrepreneurs, nurse specialists and guiding two certified peer specialist in working in a respite home. This is a private group. ?
  11. November 23rd. Traveling to Croatia. Speaking at a two day Conference on creating a Living Museum. ?
  12. November 28th 2018.  A special assignment by Husbanken, Bergen. Host for an Inspiration Day. The next day traveling to Tysvaer, talking about developing a Living Museum in that Community. ?
  13. December 9th till 13th, 2018. The 5th RACT Learning Experience to Gothenburg, with 17 participants. In March/April a new RACT Learning Experience is open for registration. ?
  14. January 19th! 2019. A new Learning Experience to New York. This trip a special focus will be on the creation of Community Centers, in the midst of society and neighborhoods. Registration is Open! ?
  15. April 25th and 26th 2019. A new group of Norwegian peers, professionals and policy makers will come to The Netherlands for a Learning Experience. This is a private group. Registration is not possible.?
  16. May 4th till May 11th, 2019. A Learning Experience to Bucharest  with Harry Gras and Casper Nusselder! Registration is still Open. ?
  17. Spring 2019! The First Learning Experience to Uganda, Africa! Harry Gras has developed this Learning Experience with James Bisheko from Uganda. It’s a special Learning Experience, like all our Experiences. ?Send us an email for the lay-out of this Journey. Registration is Open.
  18. June 9th, June 16th 2019. A Learning Experience to Washington, Philadelphia and New York, with Harry Gras and Rokus Loopik! Registration is closed. 20 Participants have registered. ?
  19. August 24th till September 1st. A Recovery Holiday to La Blache in the Provence, France. A combination of working on Recovery and cool ‘holiday’ experiences. Cooking Classes, Open Dialogue, Hiking Tours, Visiting old cities, Art Workshops, are part of this wonderful week, in the midst of eternal Lavender Fields. Registration is open. ?
  20. September 4th till September 8th. The EAOF-Conference in Verona, Italy. Join Harry and Rokus for this amazing Festival and working visits in the Home of Deinstitutionalization. Lots of Dutch Peers, professionals and Policy makers will join that conference, the Future of Mental Health. Check in with me for more information.
  21. November 2nd till November 9th 2019. A new Learning Experience to the United States of America. Can’t tell for which organization I will be organizing this Learning Experience. It’s a private journey. registration is not possible. ?
  22. October 15th till October 22nd 2019. The Green Mental Health Learning Experience to Scotland. With Frits Bovenberg en Gijs Francken (Resilience Plus). Registration is open! ?
  23. November/December 2019 (30th till 7th). The 3rd and last Learning Experience for this year to Romania and Moldova. Registration is Open! ?