3 antwoorden op “Daily Recovery Quote 7 On: Psychiatrists”

  1. Ik hou van deze Rookus! Keep it up! Ik kijk ernaar uit om ze te zien in mijn voer. Je doet goed werk voor herstel voor iedereen … bedankt!

    Admittedly, I used translate to write that…I know a couple of those words…you need to keep bringing people around to see us. It motivated me to get to the point where I am now (Ik spreek un beetje Nederlands) I want to learn more!

    1. Hé Dawn, and I love you too. How can I not bring people to see you and experience the wonderful work you are doing? There is nothing else that makes me happier. And it’s great to read that it is helping you as well. It’s a total win-win situation. I heard that you spoke with Kitty. I am so excited about the book we are writing together. And the even better part is, that you are a part of it, as you had a part in the 1st ever Meet the Xperts Conference in Utrecht in 2003. It was magic. You create magic, in the lives of people you work with.

      Dus, ga alsjeblieft door met wat je doet. De wereld heeft je nodig.


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