Lenin in Bennebroek

Kissed my wife

February 4th 2018 was a special day. I landed at Schiphol at 11AM. Coming from Chisinau, Moldova. Got home, kissed my wife and jumped in my car and headed for Lisse, Art Gallery “’t Grachthuisje”. I collected the painting that I bought a while ago in Cahul, Moldova.

More then what you can see with the eye

It’s been painted by a person with lived experience from that city a long time ago. I apologize right away, I have no admiration for the dictator Lenin, but the painting has been on my mind for a long time. I was touched by the beauty of it. The way it is painted. And the (life)story of this recipient. There is more to this painting then what you can see with the eye.

Rob and Anja

It has been in Lisse, with Rob and Anja Beelen, for quite a while. They were also touched by the beauty of the art work. They called me every week to discuss how we could ‘clean’ the painting and if it was possible to frame it.

Goose Bumps

Yesterday they showed me the result. We looked at it and were quiet for a while. We shared this special moment together.

Silence in a painting

Never thought that Lenin would have a place in my Living Museum, but it will be there from tomorrow on, having a special spot in our Artists Community.

It’s not about Lenin

It’s about the Love for Art that I share with my artists from the Living Museum. It’s about the story behind the person who painted it.


I am grateful to have met him. Grateful that he was willing to sell the painting to me. Grateful for the fact that it gave him the opportunity to work on his recovery. Grateful for the fact that I contributed to that by buying his work. Grateful that I am part of the Trimbos Moldova. Grateful that I have made so many friends in that beautiful country. Grateful that contributing to improve people’s lives in that country extended beyond the reason why we traveled there at first. It’s about friendship. It’s about working on a world that works for everybody.

I think of Moldova every day

It’s a beautiful world out there. If you are willing and able to see it

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