Elena Irimici and her Dream
Elena and Nadejda are good friends. They live in the same Village. Serpeni.
Nadejda works for the Trimbos Institute Moldova. She was our interpretor for the many years we worked in various cities throughout Moldova. It is special working with interpretors because whatever you say and do, they will say and do. It is like somebody is shadowing you all day. It can’t be a surprise that once you stop working together you become good friends, like Nadejda and I did.
Moldova is number two on the list of poorest countries in Europe. I am not stating this to enhance your pitty for our friends in that beautiful country, because they love their country, they are proud people and they have no desire to leave their country. Instead of that they have dreams about better living circumstances for people and they work hard to achieve just that. Like the Trimbos Institute Moldova, Elena and Nadejda.
Elena was born and grew up in a small Moldovan village called Serpeni. Because of the very difficult economic situation in her country, she had to work in Moscow for a long period. In the evening, on her way home, she was crossing a park with an outdoor gym in it where a lot of women were exercising.
She was dreaming about having such an opportunity in her home village: for her and for other women who are deprived from many modern conveniences.
Being a rural woman in a Moldovan village means, in addition to cooking and cleaning, also gardening, farming, keeping cattle and so on. They don’t have any opportunity for physical exercise. Elena shared her dream with the people (yes, also the men) living in her neighbourhood and they were very excited about it. Together, without any support from the community, they built a park and planted trees in it.
But their resources are limited and they cannot afford buying the so much coveted outdoor gym.
Elena needs just €1000
To make her dream come true.
To create her Outdoor Gym for the Women of Serpeni.
I hope like I do
You will be able to help Elena and her friends too.
I am going to donate money today
Are you with me? Can I ask you to do the same?
And make her dream come true?
And become a friend of Serpeni’s Outdoor Women Gym?
Any donation is OK
Harry Gras and I promise to take pictures and say Hello to Elena and the women of Serpeni next time we travel to Moldova with a new Learning Experience Group.
Push these words and donate to her wonderful dream!
Thank you so much women (and men) from The Netherlands and elsewhere!
Ofcourse i dónate to this awesome project
Many thanks Mariel! ❤️?
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